Start Building on Arbitrum
Build decentralized applications on Arbitrum with efficiency, security, and scalability on Validation Cloud's Node API.

Worldwide Coverage
Your team and your users might be in one location or spread over the globe, we provide infrastructure that is multi-region with built-in failover support. Let us handle the infrastructure and you can get on with building your application.
Build Scalable dApps
Validation Cloud is committed to providing you with the best platform for building and deploying applications on Arbitrum. Validation Cloud offers industry leading performance, resilience, and security to take your application to the next level.
What is the Arbitrum Network?
Arbitrum is a Layer 2 scaling solution designed to enhance the Ethereum blockchain by accelerating smart contract transactions and reducing transaction costs. As a Layer 2 solution, Arbitrum works to extend the capabilities of the primary Ethereum blockchain (Layer 1) by handling complex computational tasks like transaction processing and data storage on a secondary chain. This setup allows the Layer 2 chain to execute smart contracts swiftly, while the Layer 1 blockchain remains responsible for data storage. Arbitrum plays a crucial role by processing and batching blockchain transactions. This approach significantly alleviates congestion and reduces the costs associated with transactions on the main network.
Ready to build on Arbitrum?
Get started for free with up to 50M Compute Units or try the Scale Plan for unlimited CUs. Build on Arbitrum Sepolia or Arbitrum Mainnet today.
Experience lightning-fast, scalable, and secure blockchain infrastructure with Validation Cloud.